
Fedora 43

During this release we focused on minimizing the package set that is installed by default in Fedora Minimal.

  • Disabled rescue kernel generation on boot. This was accidentally enabled again in one of the previous versions but turned off again in Fedora 43. See discussion.

  • Removed firewalld from the package set. See discussion.

  • Disabled /etc/fstab, only mount units are available by default. See discussion.

Fedora 42

The Fedora Minimal SIG was created to outline better what Fedora Minimal is, its usecases, and its differences from other Fedora variants.

Fedora 38

The Fedora Minimal aarch64 image became a Release Blocking artifact.


Fedora Minimal has been around in some way or shape since around Fedora 11 or 12. There are a few wiki pages around for the spin.