Cambios en toda la Distribución
Escala ZRAM a Tamaño Total de Memoria
En Fedora, no se crea una partición swap de manera predeterminada en el momento de la instalación. En su lugar, se crea un dispositivo zram y el swap se habilita durante el arranque. zram es un tipo de dispositivo RAM que usa compresión.
Para Fedora 34, el tamaño de este dispositivo zram se ha incrementado. Se establece en el mismo tamaño de la RAM u 8 GB, lo que sea más pequeño. Este cambio permite a los ordenadores con cantidades más pequeñas de RAM completar con éxito la instalación usando el instalador Anaconda.
La asignación de memoria para zram se hace dinámicamente, por lo que el tamaño completo del dispositivo de bloque no se asigna cuando se crea. Este recurso de asignación dinámica, combinado con la compresión en el dispositivo zram que es generalmente mayor de 2:1, garantiza que el archivo swap no consuma totalmente la memoria disponible.
Vea man zram-generator
para más información sobre como se invoca a zram.
New package: fbrnch
A new fbrnch
(Fed Brunch) package provides a utility which helps simplify or semi-automate workflow processes for Fedora Packagers. This package is available to users without them having to add another Copr repository.
The fbrnch
utility supports the following and more tasks:
Merging and building packages across release branches
Source RPM (SRPM) files, scratch builds, local install, and mock builds from arbitrary package branches
Cloning and listing Fedora packages from Pagure code hosting system
Creating, updating and listing package reviews
Requesting new repositories and branches, and importing new packages directly from package reviews
ARMv7 to use UEFI as default for all armhfp generated images
The UEFI for ARMv7 devices feature delivered all the described infrastructure changes in Fedora 30. However, it brought also some problems with upstream kernel, bootloaders and a number of other pieces, which were out of Fedora control.
In this release, the said problematic pieces were fixed. As a result, the user experience is consistent across all Fedora CPU architectures.
Main is a new name for default git repository branches
With Fedora 34 release, data residing on the master
branch in all Fedora git repositories have been moved to a branch named main
. This update is in line with Fedora’s vision to be free and open source software built by inclusive, welcoming, and open-minded communities.
Users with existing clones of Fedora repositories need to do git pull
to get the changed default branches. Users with existing pull requests against the master
branch need to do git rebase
against the main
Compress kernel firmware to reduce size on disk
Starting with Fedora 34, the kernel firmware has been compressed with the xz -C crc32
option to reduce the ondisk size by almost a half.
Unify the location of GRUB configuration files across all supported CPU architectures
This change simplifies the GRUB configuration file, improves overall user experience, and also provides the following notable benefits:
Allow the same installation to be booted with either EFI or legacy BIOS
Use the same documentation and commands for all architectures
NOTE: If grub.cfg needs updating, use
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Make GRUB configuration tools more robust by not relying on symbolic links to be created and not having to handle platform specific cases
Align with images generated by CoreOS Assembler (COSA) and OSBuild on how the GRUB configuration files are used
Align with other Linux distributions on how the GRUB configuration files are used
systemd-oomd prevents out-of-memory situations
The systemd-oomd
service monitors swap and CGroups on your system using the Linux pressure stall information (PSI) and analyzes wasted productivity due to resource shortages. When the system is running out of memory, systemd-oomd
terminates processes under the CGroup that exceeds the configured memory limits.
The systemd-oomd
service is now enabled by default on new installations and when upgrading existing installations. It automatically replaces the earlyoom
service, which previous Fedora releases used to prevent out-of-memory situations.
For information on configuring systemd-oomd
, see the oomd.conf
man page.
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