Pages in category managing software

Encontrando e Instalando aplicaciones Linux

Si está buscando software para ejecutar en Fedora Linux, descubrirá software empaquetado Fedora, EPEL (Paquetes Extra para Enterprise Linux) y aplicaciones Flatpak. Aquí hay una visión general de los repositorios… Read more

GNOME Shell extensions

From the website: "GNOME Shell extensions are small pieces of code written by third party developers that modify the way GNOME works. (If you are familiar with Chrome Extensions or… Read more

Enabling the RPM Fusion repositories

Third party repositories There are a number of third-party software repositories for Fedora. They have more liberal licensing policies and provide software packages that Fedora excludes for various reasons. These… Read more

Switching desktop environments

Different Fedora Linux variants (Spins/Labs) have different default environments. For example, the Fedora workstation uses GNOME as its default desktop environment, while the KDE spin will use KDE. Irrespective of… Read more