Additional annotated templates
Minimal source package
# Minimal Go source code packaging template.
# This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to
# publish Go source code to other packages. The sister “go-1-source-full”
# template documents less common declarations; read it if your needs exceed
# this file.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
# The master Go import path of the project. Take the time to identify it
# accurately, changing it later will be inconvenient:
# – it may differ from the repository URL;
# – generally, the correct value will be the one used by the project in its
# documentation, coding examples, and build assertions;
# – use the gopkg import path for all code states when a project uses it.
# If upstream confused itself after multiple forks and renamings, you need to
# fix references to past names in the Go source files, unit tests included.
# Perform this fixing in “prep”.
%global goipath
# “gometa” is a thin Go-specific wrapper around “forgemeta”. Therefore, define
# “version”, “tag”, “commit”… before the “gometa” line, as you would with
# “forgemeta”. Only define the rpm variables actually needed by the spec file.
# – define “forgeurl”, including “https://” prefixing, if the import path
# does not match the repository URL; otherwise it is not necessary,
%global forgeurl
# – move the Version: line before the “gometa” call if you are packaging a
# release.
%global tag
%global commit
# Like “forgemeta”, “gometa” accepts a “-i” flag to output the rpm variables it
# reads and sets. Most of those can be overriden before or after the “gometa”
# call. If you use “-i” , remove it before committing and pushing to the
# buildsystem.
# See the “forge” spec templates for detailed “forgemeta” documentation.
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching the project license files.
%global golicenses
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching the project documentation files.
# The Go rpm macros will pick up “.md” files by default without this.
%global godocs
# A multiline description block shared between subpackages
%global common_description %{expand:
# The following lines use “go*” variables computed by gometa as default values.
# You can replace them with manual definitions. For example, replace “gourl”
# with the project homepage if it exists separately from the repository URL. Be
# careful to only replace “go*” variables when it adds value to the specfile
# and you understand the consequences. Otherwise you will just add
# maintenance-intensive discrepancies in the distribution.
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
# Generate package declarations for all known kinds of Go subpackages.
# You can replace if with “godevelpkg” to generate Go devel subpackages only.
# “goprep” unpacks the Go source archives and creates the project “GOPATH” tree
# used in the rest of the spec file. It removes vendored (bundled) code:
# – use the “-k” flag if you wish to keep this vendored code, and deal with the
# consequences in the rest of the spec.
# – use the “-e” flag if you wish to perform extraction yourself, and just use
# the “GOPATH” creation logic.
# “goprep” only performs basic vendoring detection. It will miss inventive ways
# to vendor code. Remove manually missed vendor code, after the “goprep” line.
# “goprep” will not fix upstream sources for you. Since all the macro calls that
# follow “goprep” assume clean problem-free sources, you need to correct them
# just after the “goprep” line:
# – replace calls to deprecated import paths with their correct value
# – patch code problems
# – remove dead code (some upstreams deliberately ship broken source code in
# the hope someone will get around to fix it)
# Remember to send fixes and problem reports upstream.
# When you package an import path, that participates in a dependency loop, you
# need bootstraping to manage the initial builds:
# For Go code, that means your bootstrap section should:
# – remove unit tests that import other parts of the loop
# – remove code that imports other parts of the loop
# Sometimes one can resolve dependency loops just by splitting specific
# subdirectories in a separate -devel subpackage. See also the “go-6-multi”
# template.
# Anything outputed in this rpm section will be installed in the build
# environment by mock
# “go_generate_buildrequires” computes the build dependencies of the packaged
# Go code. Right now, it only knows how to compute version-less dependencies.
# If that is not good enough for you you need to filter and rework its output.
# Perform installation steps for all known kinds of Go subpackages
# You can replace if with “godevelinstall” to process Go devel subpackages only
# “gocheck” runs all the unit tests found in the project. This is useful to catch
# API breakage early. Unfortunately, the following kinds of unit tests are
# incompatible with a secure build environment:
# – tests that call a remote server or API over the Internet,
# – tests that attempt to reconfigure the system,
# – tests that rely on a specific app running on the system, like a database
# or syslog server.
# You can disable those tests with the following exclusion flags, that can be
# repeated:
# – “-d <directory>” exclude the files contained in <directory>
# not recursive (subdirectories are not excluded)
# – “-t <tree root>” exclude the files contained in <tree root>
# recursive (subdirectories are excluded)
# – “-r <regexp>” exclude files matching <regexp>,
# If a test is broken for some other reason, you can disable it
# the same way. However, you should also report the problem upstream.
# Remember to trace in a comment why each check was disabled, with links to
# eventual upstream problem reports.
# Generate file sections for all known kinds of Go subpackages
# You can replace if with “godevelfiles” to process Go devel subpackages only
Full source package
# Complete Go source code packaging template.
# This template complements “go-0-source-minimal”, with less usual spec
# declarations.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
%global goipath
%global tag
%global commit
# A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming. It will change
# the generated “goname” to something derived from
# compat-golang-goipath-gocid-devel.
# “gocids” are used to disambiguate compatibility packages from the package
# tracking the recommended distribution version. Usual values:
# – the version major (if different),
# – a shortened commit tag such as
# %{lua:print(string.sub(rpm.expand("%{?commit}"), 1, 7))}
%global gocid
# rpm variables used to tweak the generated golang-*devel package.
# Most of them won’t be needed by the average Go spec file.
# A space-separated list of Go import paths to include. Unless specified
# otherwise the first element in the list will be used to name the subpackage.
# (by default, “goipath”)
%global goipaths
# A space-separated list of Go import paths to exclude. Usually, subsets of the
# elements in goipaths.
%global goipathsex
# A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming.
# (by default, “gocid”)
%global godevelcid
# A value that will replace the computed subpackage name.
# (by default “gorpmname-devel”)
%global godevelname
# The subpackage summary.
# (by default, “summary”)
%global godevelsummary
# A container for additional subpackage declarations.
%global godevelheader %{expand:
# The subpackage base description.
# (by default, “common_description”)
%global godeveldescription %{expand:
%global golicenses
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching files you wish to exclude from
# license lists.
%global golicensesex
%global godocs
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching files you wish to exclude from
# documentation lists. Only works for “godocs”-specified files.
%global godocsex
# A space separated list of extentions that should be included in the devel
# package in addition to Go default file extensions.
%global goextensions
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching other files to include in the
# devel package.
%global gosupfiles
# A space-separated list of shell globs matching other files ou wish to exclude from
# package lists. Only works with “gosupfiles”-specified files.
%global gosupfilesex
# The filelist name associated with the subpackage. Setting this should never
# be necessary unless the default name clashes with something else.
%global godevelfilelist
%global common_description %{expand:
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
Minimal alternative import path
# Minimal Go alternative import path packaging template.
# Sometimes Go projects keep importing deprecated import path names, or use
# forks with different names. Ideally, all codebases should be fixed to use the
# current canonical import path, but that is not always possible.
# This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to
# publish alternative Go import paths to other packages. The sister
# “go-3-alternative import-path-full” template documents less common
# declarations; read it if your needs exceed this file.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
# Simulating other import paths prevents the duplicate packaging of the a
# codebase when packagers do not notice an import path has been renamed. It
# keeps spec files that refer to the old name working. Those should still be
# fixed to use the new name as soon as possible.
%global goipath
%global tag
%global commit
%global golicenses
%global godocs
# A space-separated list of import paths to simulate. Without this nothing will
# happen.
%global goaltipaths
%global common_description %{expand:
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
# Generate package declarations for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can
# replace if with separate “goaltpkg” and “godevelpkg” calls.
# Perform installation steps for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can
# replace if with separate “goaltinstall” and “godevelinstall” calls.
# Generate file sections for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can replace
# if with separate “goaltfiles” and “godevelfiles” calls.
Full alternative import path
# Complete Go alternative import path packaging template.
# This template complements “go-2-alternative import-path-minimal”, with less
# usual spec declarations.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
%global goipath
%global forgeurl
%global tag
%global commit
%global gocid
%global goipaths
%global goipathsex
%global godevelcid
%global godevelname
%global godevelsummary
%global godevelheader %{expand:
%global golicenses
%global golicensesex
%global godocs
%global godocsex
%global goextensions
%global gosupfiles
%global gosupfilesex
%global godevelfilelist
%global goaltipaths
# rpm variables used to tweak the generated compat-golang-*devel packages.
# Most of them won’t be needed by the average Go spec file.
# The import path that will be linked to.
# (by default, “goipath”)
%global gocanonipath
# A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming.
# (by default, “gocid”)
%global goaltcid
# The subpackage summary;
# (by default, “summary”)
%global goaltsummary
# A container for additional subpackage declarations.
%global goaltheader %{expand:
# The subpackage base description;
# (by default, “common_description”)
%global goaltdescription %{expand:
%global common_description %{expand:
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
Minimal binary
# Minimal Go binary packaging template.
# This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to
# package Go projects that produce binaries. The sister “go-5-binary-full”
# template documents less common declarations; read it if your needs exceed
# this file.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
# Building Go binaries is less automated than the rest of our Go packaging and
# requires more manual work.
%global goipath
%global tag
%global commit
%global _docdir_fmt %{name}
%global golicenses
%global godocs
%global godevelheader %{expand:
# The devel package will usually benefit from corresponding project binaries.
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%global common_description %{expand:
# If one of the produced binaries is widely known it should be used to name the
# package instead of “goname”. Separate built binaries in different subpackages
# if needed.
Name: %{goname}
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
# You need to identify manually the project parts that can be built, and how to
# name the result. Practically, it’s any directory containing a main() Go
# section. Nice projects put those in “cmd” subdirectories named after the
# command that will be built, which is what we will document here, but it is
# not a general rule. Sometimes the whole “goipath” builds as a single binary.
for cmd in cmd/* ; do
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%license %{golicenses}
Full binary
# Complete Go binary packaging template.
# This template complements “go-5-binary-minimal”, with less usual spec
# declarations.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all
%global goipath
%global forgeurl
%global tag
%global commit
%global gocid
%global _docdir_fmt %{name}
%global goipaths
%global goipathsex
%global godevelcid
%global godevelname
%global godevelsummary
%global godevelheader %{expand:
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%global golicenses
%global golicensesex
%global godocs
%global godocsex
%global goextensions
%global gosupfiles
%global gosupfilesex
%global godevelfilelist
%global goaltipaths
%global gocannonipath
%global goaltcid
%global goaltsummary
%global goaltheader %{expand:
%global goaltdescription %{expand:
%global common_description %{expand:
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
for cmd in cmd/* ; do
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%license %{golicenses}
Multi package
# This template documents advanced Go packaging with multiples of everything.
# Don’t try it before you understand how simpler Go packaging is done.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all.
# Don’t hesitate to use “rpmspec -P <specfile>” to check the generated code.
# You can refer to several upstream archives using the “-a” “gometa” flag and
# blocks of declarations suffixed by a block number, like with “forgemeta”.
# No suffix or zero suffix refers to the main archive. Refer to the forge-multi
# template for more detailed information.
# VERSION-LOCKED WITH THE OTHERS. That will produce broken rpm versionning and
# broken upgrade paths. It is always simpler and safer to package separate
# projects with separate spec files.
# Main archive
%global goipath0
%global forgeurl0
%global tag0
%global commit0
%global gocid0
# Second archive
%global goipath1
%global forgeurl1
%global version1
%global tag1
%global commit1
%global gocid1
# Continue as necessary…
# Alternatively, you can use the “-z <number>” “gometa” argument to process a
# specific declaration block only.
%gometa -a
%global _docdir_fmt %{name}
# Likewise, you can declare several devel subpackages, either one by source
# archive or with any other import path layout.
# First golang-*-devel subpackage.
# If unset, and no “goipaths<number>” is defined in the spec, fallbacks to
# “goipath<number>”
%global goipaths0
%global goipathsex0
%global godevelcid0
%global godevelname0
%global godevelsummary0
%global godevelheader0 %{expand:
%global golicenses0
%global golicensesex0
%global godocs0
%global godocsex0
%global goextensions0
%global gosupfiles0
%global gosupfilesex0
%global godevelfilelist0
# Second golang-*-devel subpackage.
%global goipaths1
%global goipathsex1
%global godevelcid1
%global godevelname1
%global godevelsummary1
%global godevelheader1 %{expand:
%global golicenses1
%global golicensesex1
%global godocs1
%global godocsex1
%global goextensions1
%global gosupfiles1
%global gosupfilesex1
%global godevelfilelist1
# Continue as necessary…
# Likewise, you can declare several alternative name sets that will generate
# the corresponding compat-golang-*-devel subpackages
# First compat-golang-*-devel subpackage set.
%global goaltipaths0
# If unset, and no “gocanonipath<number>” is defined in the spec, fallbacks to
# “goipath<number>”
%global gocanonipath0
%global goaltsummary0
%global goaltheader0 %{expand:
%global goaltdescription0 %{expand:
# Second compat-golang-*-devel subpackage set.
%global goaltipaths1
%global gocanonipath1
%global goaltsummary1
%global goaltheader1 %{expand:
%global goaltdescription1 %{expand:
# Continue as necessary…
%global common_description %{expand:
# Use usual naming rules when generating binaries.
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
# One for each of the previous goipath blocks
Source0: %{gosource0}
Source1: %{gosource1}
# …
# “gopkg” will generate all the subpackages package declarations corresponding
# to the elements declared above.
# You can replace “gopkg” with “godevelpkg” and “goaltpkg” calls for finer
# control.
# “godevelpkg” and “goaltpkg” accept the usual selection arguments:
# – “-a” process everything
# – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block
# If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.
# “%goprep” and “go_generate_buildrequires” accept the usual selection arguments:
# – “-a” process everything
# – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block
# If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.
%goprep -a
%go_generate_buildrequires -a
# When your spec processes multiple Go source archives, you need to call
# “goenv” with the correct “-z <number>” argument before invoquing “%gobuild”.
# Otherwise the binaries risk being built with parameters corresponding to
# another source archive.
for cmd in cmd/* ; do
%gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd
# You can replace “gopkginstall” with “godevelinstall” and “goaltinstall”
# calls for finer control.
# “godevelinstall” and “goaltinstall” accept the usual selection arguments:
# – “-a” process everything
# – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block
# If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
# You can replace “gopkgfiles” with “godevelfiles” and “goaltfiles”
# calls for finer control.
# “godevelfiles” and “goaltfiles” accept the usual selection arguments:
# – “-a” process everything
# – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block
# If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.
Manual package (deprecated)
# This template documents old-style semi-manual Go packaging. This packaging
# mode provides the most packager control. However, the result is also more
# difficult to get right and to maintain.
# Using this packaging mode is not recommended unless you really need it. If
# you prepare your sources correctly in prep you should not need it.
# All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation
# overlaps. Try to read them all..
%global goipath
%global forgeurl
%global tag
%global commit
# Old naming of the same project
%global oldgoipath xxxx
%global oldgoname %gorpmname %{oldgoipath}
%global common_description %{expand:
Name: %{goname}
# If not set before
Release: 1%{?dist}
URL: %{gourl}
Source: %{gosource}
%package -n %{goname}-devel
Summary: %{summary}
# If the package builds some binaries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n %{goname}-devel
This package contains the source code needed for building packages that
reference the following Go import paths:
– %{goipath}
# If you’ve defined an alternative go name
%package -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel
Summary: %{summary}
Obsoletes: %{oldgoname}-devel < %{version}-%{release}
%description -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel
This package provides symbolic links that alias the following Go import paths
to %{goipath}:
– %{oldgoipath}
Aliasing Go import paths via symbolic links or http redirects is fragile. If
your Go code depends on this package, you should patch it to import directly
# goinstall is our Go source installation workhorse. It accepts a huge and
# bewildering array of arguments. Most of those have good default values,
# changing them is more likely to compound existing spec problems than fix
# anything.
# Selection arguments, that can not be repeated:
# – “-a” process everything
# – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block
# – “-i <go import path>” use the specified import path value
# default: %{goipath<number>}
# If no “-a”, “-z” or “-i ”flag is specified goinstall will only process the
# zero/nosuffix Go import path.
# Miscellaneous settings:
# – “-b <bindir>” read binaries already produced in <bindir>
# default: %{gobuilddir}/bin
# – “-s <sourcedir>” read expanded and prepared Go sources in
# <sourcedir>/src
# <sourcedir> should be populated in %prep
# default: %{gobuilddir}
# – “-o <filename>” output installed file list in <filename>
# default: %{gofilelist<number>}
# – “-O <directory>” output <filename> in <directory>
# – “-l <ldflags>” add those flags to LDFLAGS when building unit tests
# – “-v” be verbose
# Inclusion arguments, that can be repeated:
# – “-e <extension>” include files with the provided extension
# Exclusion ar²guments, that can be repeated, relative to the go import path
# root:
# – “-d <directory>” exclude the files contained in <directory>
# not recursive (subdirectories are not excluded)
# – “-t <tree root>” exclude the files contained in <tree root>
# recursive (subdirectories are excluded)
# – “-r <regexp>” exclude files matching <regexp>,
# Optional versionning metadata, that can not be repeated:
# – “-V <version>” should only be specified when creating subpackages
# with distinct versions. Excellent tool for producing
# broken packages.
# default: %{version}.%{release}
# – “-T <tag>” default: %{tag<number>}
# – “-C <commit>” default: %{commit<number>}
# – “-B <branch>” default: %{branch<number>}
# Old name aliasing
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{gopath}/src/%(dirname %{oldgoipath})
ln -s %{gopath}/src/%{goipath} %{buildroot}%{gopath}/src/%{oldgoipath}
install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
%files -n %{goname}-devel -f %{gofilelist}
%files -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel
# You need as many of those as necessary to own the levels of directories
# between %{gopath}/src and %{gopath}/src/%{oldgoipath}, that are not already
# owned by the %{goname}-devel subpackage
%dir %{gopath}/src/%(dirname %(dirname %{oldgoipath}))
%dir %{gopath}/src/%(dirname %{oldgoipath})
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