Benvenute e benvenuti in Fedora!
Welcome to the Fedora community! We are the people that make the Fedora operating system (and all the other cool stuff around it)!
We have a process to welcome new community members to make them feel at home and quickly learn enough about the Fedora community to find areas they are interested in getting involved in. The idea is summarised in this Community Blog post.
Please contact us on any of our communication channels and we can help you get started.
Sommario del funzionamento
Quando una persona nuova, supponiamo Jane, si unisce alla comunità Fedora, non sempre individua immediatamente cosa vuole fare. In tal caso, Join SIG mira ad aiutare ad esplorare la comunità e a trovare ciò che soddisfa i suoi interessi.
Quindi, quando Jane si mette in contatto con Join SIG, la accompagniamo nei seguenti passi. Non ha bisogno di sapere nulla di tutto ciò. Noi, la comunità, ci occuperemo di tutto :)
Utilizziamo i Tag per contrassegnare lo stato di ogni ticket. I tag che iniziano con
visualizzano i ticket dal punto di vista di Jane. I tag che iniziano conC:
rappresentano invece il punto di vista della comunità. Tag che iniziano conI:
identificano gli interessi di Jane. -
First of all, we ask her to create a Fedora contributor account. We then add Jane to the Fedora Join group on Pagure. This gives Jane permissions to interact with the Pagure projects that Fedora Join has.
Then, we open a new "Hello Fedora World" ticket for Jane on the Welcome-to-Fedora Pagure repository. The associated tag is: S: Hello Fedora World.
We also add Jane to the Fedora Join group on Pagure so that Jane and other newcomers all get notifications from their tickets. This will help them all beware of what everyone is doing, and they can all go through the process together.
We ask Jane to tell the community a little about herself so that people can get to know her. The associated tag is: C: Introduction requested.
When Jane has introduced herself, we mark the ticket with the S: Introduced myself tag.
Jane can comment on the ticket whenever she needs to ask questions, to give feedback, or just to chat. When Jane needs a response, she can use the C: Needs response tag to gain the community’s attention.
Jane passa un po' di tempo ad esplorare Fedora, a parlare con le persone e ad imparare come funzionano le cose; tutto al suo ritmo. Non è tenuta a svolgere alcun compito in questo momento. L’obiettivo è che, prima di tutto, Jane si senta a suo agio con la comunità di Fedora e poi contribuisca facendo del lavoro.
Di tanto in tanto, verifichiamo come sta andando Jane. Ogni volta che lo facciamo, impostiamo un nuovo tag:
At the first progress check, we will set the C: Progress check 1 tag.
If we do not hear from Jane in sometime, such as two weeks, we do a second progress check and set the C: Progress check 2 tag.
If we do not hear from Jane again, say for another two weeks, we do a third and final progress check. We set the C: Progress check 3 - Final tag.
Se non riceviamo risposta nei 7 giorni successivi, le diremo che non abbiamo registrato attività e saremo costretti a chiudere il ticket.
Closing the ticket is only a formal and operational task, then if Jane likes, they can get in touch with us again using the various communication channels.
If we do not hear from Jane here also (so, in total for about 6 weeks), we assume that Jane is inactive and close the ticket with the S: User unresponsive tag.
Some infrastructure in Fedora requires Jane to be part of a team or group on the Fedora Account System. We will give her temporary membership to the fedora-join FAS group if required. This can be requested by setting the C: Temporary membership needed tag to the ticket. After discussing the situation, if temporary membership to the FAS group is given, we will mark the ticket with the C: Temporary membership approved tag.
As Jane learns about the community, she will hopefully find tasks and teams that interest her. When she has joined a team, she has become a contributing Fedora community member! We mark the ticket as S: I am Fedora to celebrate this.
We collect feedback from new community members. For this, we use the S: Feedback tag.
Infine, quando Jane sente di non aver più bisogno del nostro aiuto, possiamo chiudere il ticket.
If, due to certain circumstances, Jane decides to move on from contributing to the Fedora community, we will close the ticket with the S: User closed tag.
How the team manages this workflow
The team has a few Scripts to accomplish this task and verify user’s activity:
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