How to Join Fedora Resources

This page holds resources related to “How to Join Fedora”. The printouts explain the basic steps to joining Fedora and connecting with the community. The slide presentation covers a lot of material. These resources are meant to be used by anyone implementing outreach for Fedora.

Slide Presentation

This “How to Join Fedora” slide presentation has been designed for general use. There are PDF and ODP files available. The typeface used throughout the deck is Montserrat. Find the files here.

Outline of the presentation

  • Who and what Fedora is

  • How Fedora is organized

  • How to start contributing to Fedora

  • Tips on becoming a successful contributor

howtojoinfedorapresentation pic

Print Version 1

This “How to Join Fedora” resource has been designed to print at an A4 size and it is also suitable for sharing on the web. It has been translated into French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. Find all the variations and source files here.

howtojoinfedora printversion1 english

Print Version 2

This “How to Join Fedora” resource has been designed to print at an A4 size and it is also suitable for sharing on the web. It has been translated into French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. Find all the variations and source files here.

howtojoinfedora printversion2 english

Web Version

This “How to Join Fedora” resource has been designed specifically for sharing on the web. It has been translated into French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. Find all the variations and source files here.

howtojoinfedora webversion1 english

Cheat Cube Version 1

Fedora Cheat Cubes are a long time community favorite. They are designed to print, cut, and tape together cubes covered with various Fedora related designs. The theme for this Cheat Cube is “How to Join Fedora” version 1. Find the source files here.

cheatcube howtojoinfedora version1

Cheat Cube Version 2

Fedora Cheat Cubes are a long time community favorite. They are designed to print, cut, and tape together cubes covered with various Fedora related designs. The theme for this Cheat Cube is “How to Join Fedora” version 2. Find the source files here.

cheatcube howtojoinFedora version2