페도라 감사 주간

Fedora Appreciation Week is an annual event organized by the Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team. Fedora Appreciation Week, abbreviated as FAW, is a week-long event to celebrate efforts of Fedora Project contributors and to say "thank you" to each other. FAW is normally held on the week of November 6th to coincide with the anniversary of the Fedora Project.

그것은 무엇인가요?

The Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day inspired CommOps to organize a similar event of appreciation for contributors who make the Fedora community what it is. This includes all types of contributors: development, design, infrastructure, marketing, engineering, and more. During the week, anyone is encouraged to select an individual or a group of contributors to thank for their efforts in Fedora. Appreciation can be given as an IRC karma cookie, a short note of thanks on a mailing list, or a longer form of appreciation (e.g. a Fedora Happiness Packet),

왜 그럴까요?

Most Fedora contributors do not get to work together in the same building or office. Our daily interactions are usually in text form (e.g. IRC, emails, wikis, etc.). Even though these work well and we accomplish our goals, we lose touch with the human side of contributing. Fedora contributors aren’t robots, but real people! Fedora Appreciation Week is a chance to remember the Fedora community is a community of people, and to thank our colleagues and friends who might be halfway across the room or halfway across the planet.

참여 방법

Different ways to participate in Fedora Appreciation Week are explained below. Consider using one or many of the methods below to participate.

공헌자 이야기를 작성합니다

Contributor Stories are just that: the record of our best moments with our Fedora friends. The story can be about our work in Fedora or something personal or unique which you would like to share with the community. Selected stories will be shared on the Community Blog every day during Fedora Appreciation Week.

See some examples and consider writing one of your own.

Submit and vote on your favorite community pictures

More coming soon (see discussion).

Send a Fedora Happiness Packet

Happiness Packets are public or private notes of thanks you can send as emails to other contributors. The Fedora Happiness Packets (FHP) project launched as part of Fedora Summer Coding 2018. It is a fork of happinesspackets.io. FHP supports FAS account login and account search. You can earn a Fedora Badge by sending a message of gratitude or thanks to another contributor.

Write your appreciation

You can also consider other ways of sharing and writing your appreciation for someone else and what they bring to our community. If you are not sure of a specific person, you can also tweet general appreciation of Fedora, as operating city or as community. Consider these ideas:

  • Write a blog post

  • Tweet a "thank you" that mentions @fedora

  • Tweet a hat tip / thanks to another Fedora contributor with hashtag #WeAreFedora