기록과 진술을 명확히 하기
The Code of Conduct and its associated documents are “living documents.” They will change over time as the Fedora community changes. This supplemental document exists to provide additional background and clarification to the Code of Conduct. All changes to the Code of Conduct and associated documents will be tracked with change information and date of change details in a Change History document maintained by the FCAIC.
A Code of Conduct is only effective if people know about it and know how to report an incident when needed. This Code of Conduct and its associated documents will be linked in the footer of all major Fedora Websites and where possible in other project communications.
All events will prominently display our Code of Conduct and publish any additional event specific notes, such as points of contact. If an event allows in-person reporting (see the Reporting Details and Response Process documents for more information), the process for doing this must be prominently displayed.
In person events organized by Fedora must make physical copies of the Code of Conduct available for attendees or make signage about it. Online events must have a link to the Code of Conduct prominently displayed on the event home page. If the platform allows, online events should ask for attendees to agree to abide by the Code of Conduct as part of the event registration.
Who is the Code of Conduct Committee
To be worked out. Right now, the Code of Conduct Committee consists of the FPL and the FCAIC, but this is not sustainable. We need a larger body, which will include Fedora community members selected by the Fedora Council.
Why was the word “contributor” from the Contributor Covenant removed when it was adapted for Fedora?
We need a code of conduct that speaks to everyone who interacts with our community. Many of us may understand the word “contributor” to encompass everyone from a mailing list participant, forum poster, bug reporter, documentarian, designer, developer, etc., but not everyone understands it this way. Additionally, many of our events are attended by users. Speaking about the community is a more clear definition of the individuals covered in this Code.
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