LaTeX is a typesetting system that is Free software. It is the standard for the communication and publishing of scientific documents. Overleaf provides a convenient interface for collaborative writing using LaTeX.

Installing LaTeX packages

Fedora includes the most recent LaTeX TeXLive distribution. LaTeX packages can be installed using DNF.

You can install a standard set of TeXLive packages using one of the provided schemes:

sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-basic
sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-medium
sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-full

Individual LaTeX packages can also be installed as required:

sudo dnf install 'tex(beamer.cls)' (1)
sudo dnf install 'tex(hyperref.sty)' (2)
1 Install the beamer class.
2 Install the hyperref package.


A number of utilities are also available to aid with LaTeX writing:


sudo dnf install texlive-chktex

LaTeX semantic checker.


sudo dnf install LaTeXML

LaTeXML is a converter that transforms TeX and LaTeX into XML/HTML/ePub/MathML and other formats.


sudo dnf install lyx

WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor.


sudo dnf install python3-pylatex

Library for creating LaTeX files and snippets.


sudo dnf install texstudio

A fully featured LaTeX editor.

Getting help

Apart from the usual Fedora troubleshooting channels, the TeX user group provides various channels for troubleshooting, including a mailing list, a web forum, a stackexchange website. Joining TUG has a number of benefits---consider joining them!

The LaTeX wiki book works as an excellent reference, while Detexify is a most handy tool for finding commands for various LaTeX symbols.