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Administración de Paquetes

Hay dos tipos de sistema Fedora; "tradicional", que usa DNF y "basado en imagen" que usa rpm-ostree.

Administración tradicional de paquete

En un sistema Fedora tradicional, el software está dividido en paquetes RPM que pueden ser gestionados por medio de DNF.

Administración híbrida imagen/paquete

The "Atomic" variant of Fedora uses rpm-ostree to update the host. rpm-ostree is a hybrid image/package system. By default, installations are in "image" mode using OSTree, but additional packages can be installed. It also supports overrides, rebases, and many other features. For more information, see its online documentation.

Additionally, the atomic CLI supports installation of system containers, which are Docker/OCI images distinct from the host user space. For more information, see its online documentation.