How to remove 2 factor authentication tokens in IPA

How to remove 2 factor authentication tokens in IPA using UI

  1. Log into using FAS credentials

  2. Click on the Authentication tab

  3. Click on the OTP Tokens sub tab

  4. Enter the username into the search bar. This will display a list of tokens associated with the user.

  5. Select the desired token and click delete. A popup will appear, click delete again to confirm.

How to remove 2 factor authentication tokens in IPA using cli

  1. kinit as user with admin privileges on IPA server

  2. Run ipa otptoken-find --owner=<username>

    A list of the users OTP tokens will be displayed. Copy Unique ID vlaue of the desired token

  3. Run ipa otptoken-del <Unique_ID>

    The token is now removed