Configurar almacenamiento

Fedora CoreOS se envía con un sencillo esquema de almacenamiento predeterminado: la partición raíz es la última y se expande para ocupar el tamaño completo del disco. Aparte de la partición de inicio, todos los datos se almacenan en la partición raíz. Vea la sección Disposición de disco para más detalles.

A continuación, proporcionamos ejemplos de diversas maneras de personalizar esto.

Fedora CoreOS requiere que el sistema de archivos raíz tenga al menos 8 Gb. Por razones prácticas, las imágenes de disco para algunas plataformas se envían con un sistema de archivo raíz más pequeño, que de modo predeterminado se expande automáticamente para llenar todo el espacio de disco disponible. Si usted añade particiones adicionales después del sistema de archivos raíz, debe asegurarse de cambiar explícitamente el tamaño de la partición raíz como se muestra a continuación de modo que tenga al menos 8 Gb.

Actualmente, si el sistema de archivos raíz es menor de 8 Gb se emite una advertencia en el arranque. A partir de Junio de 2021, si el sistema de archivos raíz es menor de 8 Gb y está seguido por otra partición, Fedora CoreOS se negará a arrancar. Para más detalles, vea este error.

Referencia de dispositivos de bloque desde Ignition

Muchos de los ejemplos siguientes harán referencia a un dispositivo de bloque como /dev/vda. El nombre del dispositivo de bloque disponible depende de la infraestructura subyacente (bare metal contra nube) y con frecuencia del tipo específico de instancia. Por ejemplo en AWS, algunos tipos de instancia tienen dispositivos NVMe (/dev/nvme*), otros usan /dev/xvda*.

Si su configuración de disco es simple y usa el mismo disco desde el que se inició el sistema operativo se puede usar el enlace /dev/disk/by-id/coreos-boot-disk para hacer referencia conveniente a ese dispositivo. Este enlace está disponible solo durante el aprovisionamiento con el propósito de hacer más fácil referirse al mismo disco desde el que se arrancó el sistema operativo.

En los casos donde usted necesita acceder a otros discos, la cosa más sencilla de hacer es arrancar una única máquina con una configuración Ignition que solo le da acceso SSH e inspeccionar los dispositivos de bloque por medio de, por ejemplo, el comando lsblk.

Para hardware físico, una buena mejor práctica es referenciar los dispositivos por medio de /dev/disk/by-id/ o enlaces /dev/disk/by-path.

Configurar montajes /var separados

Aquí hay un ejemplo de una configuración Butane para establecer un`/var` sobre una partición separada en el mismo disco principal:

Añadir una partición /var al disco principal
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
  - # El enlace al dispositivo de bloque desde el que se arrancó el sistema operativo.
    device: /dev/disk/by-id/coreos-boot-disk
    # No queremos borrar la tabla de particiones ya que este es el dispositivo
    # principal.
    wipe_table: false
    - number: 4
      label: root
      # Localice al menos 8 Gb para el rootfs. Vea la NOTA de arriba sobre esto.
      size_mib: 8192
      resize: true
    - size_mib: 0
      # Asignamos una etiqueta descriptiva a la partición. Esto es importante
      # para referirse a él de manera independiente en otras partes de la
      # configuración.
      label: var
    - path: /var
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var
      # Seleccionamos el sistema de archivos que nos gusta.
      format: ext4
      # Pedimos a Butane que genere una unidad de montaje para nosotros de modo que
      # este sistema de archivos permanezca montado en la raíz real.
      with_mount_unit: true

You can of course mount only a subset of /var into a separate partition. For example, to mount /var/lib/containers:

Añadir una partición /var/lib/containers al disco primario
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
  - device: /dev/disk/by-id/coreos-boot-disk
    wipe_table: false
    - number: 4
      label: root
      # Allocate at least 8 GiB to the rootfs. See NOTE above about this.
      size_mib: 8192
      resize: true
    - size_mib: 0
      label: containers
    - path: /var/lib/containers
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/containers
      format: xfs
      with_mount_unit: true

Alternatively, you can also mount storage from a separate disk. For example, here we mount /var/log from a partition on /dev/vdb:

Adding /var/log from a secondary disk
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
  - device: /dev/vdb
    wipe_table: false
    - size_mib: 0
      start_mib: 0
      label: log
    - path: /var/log
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/log
      format: xfs
      with_mount_unit: true
Defining a disk with multiple partitions

In this example, we wipe the disk and create two new partitions.

variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
      # Mandatory. We use the World-Wide Number ID of the drive to ensure
      # uniqueness.
      device: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50014e2eb507fcdf
      # This ensures that the partition table is re-created, along with all
      # the partitions.
      wipe_table: true
        # The first partition (slot number 1) is 32 GiB and starts at the
        # beginning of the device. Its type_guid identifies it as a Linux
        # swap partition.
        - label: part1
          number: 1
          size_mib: 32768
          start_mib: 0
          type_guid: 0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f
        # The second partition (implicit slot number 2) will be placed after
        # partition 1 and will occupy the rest of the available space.
        # Since type_guid is not specified, it will be a Linux native
        # partition.
        - label: part2

Reconfigurar el sistema de archivos raíz

It is possible to reconfigure the root filesystem itself. You can use the path /dev/disk/by-label/root to refer to the original root partition. You must ensure that the new filesystem also has a label of root.

You must have at least 4 GiB of RAM for root reprovisioning to work.

Here’s an example of moving from xfs to ext4, but reusing the same partition on the primary disk:

Cambiar el sistema de archivos raíz a ext4
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root
      wipe_filesystem: true
      format: ext4
      label: root

Similarly to the previous section, you can also move the root filesystem entirely. Here, we’re moving root to a RAID0 device:

Moving the root filesystem to RAID0
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - name: myroot
      level: raid0
        - /dev/disk/by-id/virtio-disk1
        - /dev/disk/by-id/virtio-disk2
    - device: /dev/md/myroot
      format: xfs
      wipe_filesystem: true
      label: root
You don’t need the path or with_mount_unit keys; FCOS knows that the root partition is special and will figure out how to find it and mount it.

If you want to replicate the boot disk across multiple drives for resiliency to drive failure, you need to mirror all the default partitions (root, boot, EFI System Partition, and bootloader code). There is special Butane config syntax for this:

Mirroring the boot disk onto two drives
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
      - /dev/sda
      - /dev/sdb

Defining a filesystem

This example demonstrates the process of creating the filesystem by defining and labeling the partitions, combining them into a RAID array, and formatting that array as ext4.

Defining a filesystem on a RAID storage device
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
  # This defines two partitions, each on its own disk. The disks are
  # identified by their WWN.
  - device: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50014ee261e524e4
    wipe_table: true
      # Each partition gets a human-readable label.
      label: "raid.1.1"
      # Each partition is placed at the beginning of the disk and is 64 GiB
      # long.
      number: 1
      size_mib: 65536
      start_mib: 0
  - device: /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50014ee0b8442cd3
    wipe_table: true
    - label: "raid.1.2"
      number: 1
      size_mib: 65536
      start_mib: 0
  # We use the previously defined partitions as devices in a RAID1 md array.
    - name: publicdata
      level: raid1
      - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/raid.1.1
      - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/raid.1.2
  # The resulting md array is used to create an EXT4 filesystem.
    - path: /var/publicdata
      device: /dev/md/publicdata
      format: ext4
      label: PUB
      with_mount_unit: true

Almacenamiento cifrado (LUKS)

Este es un ejemplo de cómo configurar un dispositivo LUKS en /var/lib/data.

variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - name: data
      device: /dev/vdb
    - path: /var/lib/data
      device: /dev/mapper/data
      format: xfs
      label: DATA
      with_mount_unit: true

The root filesystem can also be moved to LUKS. In that case, the LUKS device must be pinned by Clevis. There are two primary pin types available: TPM2 and Tang (or a combination of those using Shamir Secret Sharing).

TPM2 pinning just binds encryption to the physical machine in use. Make sure to understand its threat model before choosing between TPM2 and Tang pinning. For more information, see this section of the Clevis TPM2 pin documentation.
You must have at least 4 GiB of RAM for root reprovisioning to work.

There is simplified Butane config syntax for configuring root filesystem encryption and pinning. Here is an example of using it to create a TPM2-pinned encrypted root filesystem:

Encrypting the root filesystem with a TPM2 Clevis pin
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    tpm2: true

This is equivalent to the following expanded config:

Encrypting the root filesystem with a TPM2 Clevis pin without using boot_device
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - name: root
      label: luks-root
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root
        tpm2: true
      wipe_volume: true
    - device: /dev/mapper/root
      format: xfs
      wipe_filesystem: true
      label: root

The expanded config doesn’t include the path or with_mount_unit keys; FCOS knows that the root partition is special and will figure out how to find it and mount it.

This next example binds the root filesystem encryption to PCR 7 which corresponds to the UEFI Boot Component used to track the Secure Boot certificate from memory. Therefore, updates to the the UEFI firmware/certificates should not affect the value stored in PCR 7.

Binding for PCR 8 (UEFI Boot Component used to track commands and kernel command line) is not supported as the kernel command line changes with every OS update.
Encrypting the root filesystem with a TPM2 Clevis pin bound to PCR 7
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - name: root
      label: luks-root
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root
          needs_network: false
          pin: tpm2
          config: '{"pcr_bank":"sha1","pcr_ids":"7"}'
      wipe_volume: true
    - device: /dev/mapper/root
      format: xfs
      wipe_filesystem: true
      label: root

More documentation for the config fields can be found in the clevis man pages: man clevis-encrypt-tpm2

The following clevis command can be used to confirm that the root file system encryption is bound to PCR 7.

$ sudo clevis luks list -d /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root
1: tpm2 '{"hash":"sha256","key":"ecc","pcr_bank":"sha1","pcr_ids":"7"}'

Here is an example of the simplified config syntax with Tang:

Encrypting the root filesystem with a Tang Clevis pin
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
      - url:
        thumbprint: bV8aajlyN6sYqQ41lGqD4zlhe0E

The system will contact the Tang server on boot.

For more information about setting up a Tang server, see the upstream documentation.

You can configure both Tang and TPM2 pinning (including multiple Tang servers for redundancy). By default, only the TPM2 device or a single Tang server is needed to unlock the root filesystem. This can be changed using the threshold key:

Encrypting the root filesystem with both TPM2 and Tang pins
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
      - url:
        thumbprint: bV8aajlyN6sYqQ41lGqD4zlhe0E
    tpm2: true
    # this will allow rootfs unlocking only if both TPM2 and Tang pins are
    # accessible and valid
    threshold: 2

Sizing the root partition

If you use Ignition to reconfigure or move the root partition, that partition is not automatically grown on first boot (see related discussions in this issue). In the case of moving the root partition to a new disk (or multiple disks), you should set the desired partition size using the size_mib field. If reconfiguring the root filesystem in place, as in the LUKS example above, you can resize the existing partition using the resize field:

Resizing the root partition to its maximum size
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - device: /dev/disk/by-id/coreos-boot-disk
        - label: root
          number: 4
          # 0 means to use all available space
          size_mib: 0
          resize: true
    - name: root
      device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root
        tpm2: true
      wipe_volume: true
    - device: /dev/mapper/root
      format: xfs
      wipe_filesystem: true
      label: root

Adding swap

This example creates a swap partition spanning all of the sdb device, creates a swap area on it, and creates a systemd swap unit so the swap area is enabled on boot.

Configuring a swap partition on a second disk
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    - device: /dev/sdb
      wipe_table: true
        - number: 1
          label: swap
    - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/swap
      format: swap
      wipe_filesystem: true
      with_mount_unit: true

Adding network storage

Fedora CoreOS systems can be configured to mount network filesystems such as NFS and CIFS. This is best achieved by using Ignition to create systemd units. Filesystems can be mounted on boot by creating a standard mount unit. Alternatively, a filesystem can be mounted when users access the mountpoint by creating an additional automount unit. Below are examples of each for an NFS filesystem.

Configuring NFS mounts

Creating a systemd unit to mount an NFS filesystem on boot.
The .mount file must be named based on the path (e.g. /var/mnt/data = var-mnt-data.mount)
variant: fcos
version: 1.3.0
    - name: var-mnt-data.mount
      enabled: true
      contents: |
        Description=Mount data directory


Creating a systemd unit to mount an NFS filesystem when users access the mount point (automount)
variant: fcos
version: 1.3.0
    - name: var-mnt-data.mount
      contents: |
        Description=Mount data directory



    - name: var-mnt-data.automount
      enabled: true
      contents: |
        Description=Automount data directory



Advanced examples

This example configures a mirrored boot disk with a TPM2-encrypted root filesystem, overrides the sizes of the automatically-generated root partition replicas, and adds an encrypted mirrored /var partition which consumes the remainder of the disks.

Encrypted mirrored boot disk with separate /var
variant: fcos
version: 1.5.0
    tpm2: true
      - /dev/sda
      - /dev/sdb
    - device: /dev/sda
        # Override size of root partition on first disk, via the label
        # generated for boot_device.mirror
        - label: root-1
          size_mib: 10240
        # Add a new partition filling the remainder of the disk
        - label: var-1
    - device: /dev/sdb
        # Similarly for second disk
        - label: root-2
          size_mib: 10240
        - label: var-2
    - name: md-var
      level: raid1
        - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-1
        - /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var-2
    - name: var
      device: /dev/md/md-var
      # No key material is specified, so a random key will be generated
      # and stored in the root filesystem
    - device: /dev/mapper/var
      path: /var
      label: var
      format: xfs
      wipe_filesystem: true
      with_mount_unit: true

Disk Layout

All Fedora CoreOS systems start with the same disk image which varies slightly between architectures based on what is needed for bootloading. On first boot the root filesystem is expanded to fill the rest of the disk. The disk image can be customized using Butane configs to repartition the disk and create/reformat filesystems. Bare metal installations are not different; the installer only copies the raw image to the target disk and injects the specified config into /boot for use on first boot.

See Reconfiguring the root filesystem for examples regarding the supported changes to the root partition.

Tablas de particiones

Using partition numbers to refer to specific partitions is discouraged and labels or UUIDs should be used instead. Fedora CoreOS reserves the boot, boot-<number>, root, root-<number>, BIOS-BOOT, bios-<number>, EFI-SYSTEM, and esp-<number> labels, and the md-boot and md-root RAID device names. Creating partitions, filesystems, or RAID devices with those labels is not supported.

x86_64 Partition Table

The x86_64 disk image is GPT formatted with a protective MBR. It supports booting via both BIOS and UEFI (including Secure Boot).

The partition table layout has changed over time. The current layout is:

Table 1. Partition Table for x86_64




Partition Type



Contains BIOS GRUB image

raw data



Contains EFI GRUB image and Secure Boot shim




Contains GRUB configuration, kernel/initramfs images




Contains the root filesystem


The EFI-SYSTEM partition can be deleted or reformatted when BIOS booting. Similarly, the BIOS-BOOT partition can be deleted or reformatted when EFI booting.

Sistemas de archivos montados

Fedora CoreOS uses OSTree, which is a system for managing multiple bootable operating system trees that share storage. Each operating system version is part of the / filesystem. All deployments share the same /var which can be on the same filesystem, or mounted separately.

This shows the default mountpoints for a Fedora CoreOS system installed on a /dev/vda disk:

Default mountpoints on x86_64
$ findmnt --real # Some details are elided
TARGET        SOURCE                                                   FSTYPE  OPTIONS
/             /dev/vda4[/ostree/deploy/fedora-coreos/deploy/$hash]     xfs     rw
|-/sysroot    /dev/vda4                                                xfs     ro
|-/etc        /dev/vda4[/ostree/deploy/fedora-coreos/deploy/$hash/etc] xfs     rw
|-/usr        /dev/vda4[/ostree/deploy/fedora-coreos/deploy/$hash/usr] xfs     ro
|-/var        /dev/vda4[/ostree/deploy/fedora-coreos/deploy/var]       xfs     rw
`-/boot       /dev/vda3                                                ext4    ro

The EFI System Partition was formerly mounted on /boot/efi, but this is no longer the case. On systems configured with boot device mirroring, there are independent EFI partitions on each constituent disk.

Immutable /, read only /usr

As OSTree is used to manage all files belonging to the operating system, the / and /usr mountpoints are not writable. Any changes to the operating system should be applied via rpm-ostree.

Similarly, the /boot mountpoint is not writable, and the EFI System Partition is not mounted by default. These filesystems are managed by rpm-ostree and bootupd, and must not be directly modified by an administrator.

Adding top level directories (i.e. /foo) is currently unsupported and disallowed by the immutable attribute.

The real / (as in the root of the filesystem in the root partition) is mounted readonly in /sysroot and must not be accessed or modified directly.

Configuration in /etc and state in /var

The only supported writable locations are /etc and /var. /etc should contain only configuration files and is not expected to store data. All data must be kept under /var and will not be touched by system upgrades. Traditional places that might hold state (e.g. /home, or /srv) are symlinks to directories in /var (e.g. /var/home or /var/srv).

Version selection and bootup

A GRUB menu entry is created for each version of Fedora CoreOS currently available on a system. This menu entry references an ostree deployment which consists of a Linux kernel, an initramfs and a hash linking to an ostree commit (passed via the ostree= kernel argument). During bootup, ostree will read this kernel argument to determine which deployment to use as the root filesystem. Each update or change to the system (package installation, addition of kernel arguments) creates a new deployment. This enables rolling back to a previous deployment if the update causes problems.