How to remove the monitoring of a rabbitmq queue

The monitoring of queue sizes of rabbitmq queue is done by nagios using two small configuration file.

To remove that monitoring, you simply need to remove these two files.

On the rabbitmq server (rabbitmq01)

  1. Remove the local nagios configuration file

    rm /etc/nrpe.d/check_rabbitmq_queue_<queue_name>.cfg
  2. Then restart the local nagios plugin

    systemctl restart nrpe

On the nagios server (noc01)

  1. Remove the nagios configuration file

    rm /etc/nagios/services/rabbitmq-queue-<queue_name>.cfg
  2. Ensure the configuration is still valid:

    nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
  3. If and only if the check above passed, restart nagios on the nagios server

    systemctl restart nagios