How to remove someone from a watch list on Pagure

Log on the host running pagure ( or, ie: pkgs02 or pagure01) and run the following command:

pagure-admin update-watch <project> <user>

For example:

pagure-admin update-watch rpms/pcp lberk

It will then ask you which watch status you want to set to the user. In the example below, the status is "unwatch everything" which means the user won’t be notified of anything unless explicitely @mentioned or for ticket they opened.

The watch status can be one of the following:
1: watch issues and PRs
0: unwatch, don't notify the user of anything
3: watch issues, PRs and commits
2: watch commits
-1: reset the watch status to default
Updating watch status of lberk to 0 (unwatch, don't notify the user of anything) on rpms/pcp