Changes in Fedora 41 For System Administrators
SPDX Migration
RPM packages use SPDX identifiers as a standard for licenses. 90 % of the packages have been migrated to SPDX identifiers. The remaining packages are estimated to be migrated to SPDX in Fedora 42. A list of all licenses allowed (and used) in Fedora Linux can be found at Fedora Legal page. Out of 90%, nine percent of the packages have a temporary license LicenseRef-Callaway-*
that conforms to SPDX, but needs to be assigned the correct license ID from the SPDX organization.
Remove ifcfg support in NetworkManager
NetworkManager removes support for connection profiles stored in ifcfg format. It is deprecated upstream and the native Keyfile format is valid and a better replacement. The following packages are being dropped. NetworkManager-initscripts-ifcfg-rh
, NetworkManager-dispatcher-routing-rules
and NetworkManager-initscripts-updown
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