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Вівторок, 30 жовтня 2018 року, Petr Bokoč (pbokoc@redhat.com)
Остаточний випуск Fedora 29
Усі зовнішні посилання перетворено на HTTPS там, де це можливо (вада 7)
The chapter about anacron now mentions that it won’t run by default when the system is being powered by a battery (issue 8)
Fixed a keyring name in the Kernel Module Authentication chapter (issue 11)
Removed mentions of rsyslog as a default syslog
Various fixes related to the new publishing system
Sun Jun 25, 2017, Ryan (t3rm1n4l@fedoraproject.org)
Converted document to asciidocs, updated table refs, removed manual line breaks, fixed formatting and some grammar
Mon Nov 14 2016, Petr Bokoč (pbokoc@redhat.com)
Fedora 25 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
Tue June 21 2016, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Fedora 24 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
Mon Nov 02 2015, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Fedora 23 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
Tue Oct 27 2015, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Added "Gaining Privileges" chapter, "Using OpenSSH Certificate Authentication" section, and made improvements to the GRUB 2 chapter.
Mon May 25 2015, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Fedora 22 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
Mon Apr 4 2015, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Replaced Yum chapter with DNF chapter.
Wed Mar 4 2015, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Added "Working with the GRUB 2 Boot Loader" chapter.
Tue Dec 9 2014, Stephen Wadeley (swadeley@redhat.com)
Fedora 21 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
Thu Aug 9 2012, Jaromír Hradílek (jhradilek@redhat.com)
Updated Network Interfaces.
Tue May 29 2012, Jaromír Hradílek (jhradilek@redhat.com)
Fedora 17 release of the System Administrator’s Guide.
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