How to restart the server in datacenter

This guide is for restarting machines in IAD2 datacenter using ipmitool. This only applies to bare hardware instances (see ansible inventory).

You need to have access to Bitwarden with Fedora Infrastructure passwords to be able to follow this guide.

  1. Login to noc01

    $ ssh
  2. Restart machine

    $ ipmitool -U admin -H <host> -I lanplus chassis power reset

For access to console use ipmitool -U admin -H <host> -I lanplus sol activate.

To exit the console you need to use ~. This is a SSH disconnect sequence, so you need to add as many ~ as ssh jump hosts used.

For instance, if you ssh to batcave01 → noc01 → ipmitool ~. will disconnect you from batcave01, ~~. will disconnect you from noc01 and ~. will disconnect you from the ipmi console.