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Desarrollo Web

Ruby sobre Rails 5.2

Fedora 29 actualiza Ruby on Rails a versión 5.2. Los principales cambios incluyen:

  • Un nuevo marco de Almacenamiento Activo para la subida de ficheros a diversos servicios en la nube.

  • Tienda Redis Cache.

  • HTTP/2 Early Hints

  • Soporte Content Security Policy (CSP)

  • Credenciales API

See the upstream release announcement and release notes for more details.

Node.js 10.x as default Node.js interpreter

Node.js releases a new LTS version each year and will support it for around 18 months, which makes it the ideal candidate for use with Fedora. Node.js 10.x was released recently and is already available as a module for Fedora 28 and Fedora 29. In October 2018 version 10.x will become the next Active Long Term Support branch. Version 10.x is the default version shipped with Fedora 29.

The full set of changes for Node.js 10 is available in the announcement blog post.