Fedora Council에 오신 것을 환영합니다

Fedora Council에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 당신은 방금 가입되었으며 (또는 가입을 고려 중일 수도 있겠죠) 이제 자신의 목적에 따라 학습하기를 바랄 겁니다. 질문이 있으면 주저하지 말고 질문하십시오. 멘토가 학습에 도움이 된다고 생각되면 요청하시기 바랍니다.

전반적인 요청 사항

적극적인 자세를 가지세요 당신은 페도라 커뮤니티를 대표하기 때문에 Fedora Council에 소속되어 있습니다. 우리는 당신이 자신의 아이디어와 의견을 공유하기를 바랍니다. 당신이 만일 다른 그룹의 대표자라면 (DEI, FESCo, 그리고 Mindshare Committe 등), 해당 그룹을 대표하여 의견을 제시하기를 바랍니다. 도움이 필요할 경우 Fedora Council 내 다른 구성원에게 알려 주십시오. 순조롭게 수행되는 것을 공유하십시오. Fedora Council 내에서 일어나는 사안들을 당신이 대표하는 그룹에 전달하십시오.

행동하세요. Fedora Council은 활동적인 리더십의 주체로, 이는 Fedora Council 구성원들은 행동을 단순히 _논의_하는 것이 아니라 _실행_하는 권한을 가짐을 명심해야 한다는 것을 의미합니다. 당신은 임무가 부여될 때까지 기다릴 필요가 없습니다. 실행해야 할 것이 있으면, 자유롭게 실행하세요.

Ask for help. Every member of the Fedora Council was new at some point. Don’t feel bad if you need to ask for help or if something is unclear. Think of it as finding a bug in the documentation!


When you were elected or appointed to the Fedora Council, the Fedora Operations Architect (or someone else) opened an issue in our ticket tracker. This provides a checklist for all of the places you need to be granted access. Don’t worry! There’s not much you need to do there. If there is something Fedora Council-related that you do not have access to, open an issue or ask in the #council:fedoraproject.org Matrix room.


We have asynchronous conversations in the #council tag on Fedora Discussion. This is a public forum, so we expect—and welcome—input from community members who are not on Fedora Council. On the rare occasions when we need to discuss confidential matters, we have a private mailing list.

For synchronous communication, we use the #council channel on chat.fedoraproject.org (bridged to the #fedora-council IRC channel on Libera.Chat).


The Fedora Council holds bi-weekly business meetings. These are an opportunity to check on the progress of tasks and have conversations about open issues. Attendance is not mandatory, but we encourage you to attend and participate as often as you can. Business meetings are open to the community at large. If the meeting time does not work for you, please propose a new time or ask for a poll.

Once a month, we hold video meetings. These are an opportunity to let the community showcase their work and ask the Fedora Council and broader community for help. Video meetings are open to the community at large.

From time to time, the Fedora Council holds face-to-face meetings. These are private and in-person when possible. Attendance at these meetings is strongly encouraged. The Fedora Council will pay travel expenses when necessary.


Tickets are for discussing and voting on a specific proposal. If you have an idea that needs broader discussion or brainstorming, start a thread on Discussion.

Procedures for labels, priorities, and voting on tickets are in the Ticket Queue docs.