Installation of the fas2discourse Operator

Installation on Fedora Infra

There is a playbook [2] and role [3]. To install the operator in staging and production, run the playbook [2]. Users in the sysadmin-openshift group have permissions to run this playbook.

Installation on a CRC cluster

There is a Makefile bundled with the code [1] of this operator.

To install the operator the basic steps are followed:

  • From a terminal, be logged into the cluster with cluster-admin privileges.

  • Run make deploy

To activate the operator we need to create a fas2discourseconfig custom resource. An example of one exists in config/samples/_v1alpha1_fas2discourseconfig.yaml

Create it with the following:

oc apply -f config/samples/_v1alpha1_fas2discourseconfig.yaml


  • No other configuration is required for this operator.