想要做些大事?有一個無法在單一發行週期內完成的想法?也許是比變更政策所涵蓋的技術範圍更廣泛的改進?想要確保社群一致支持您的目標,並確保您擁有實現目標所需的資源和存取權限?社群計畫可能就是適合您的架構!* 社群計畫可能就是適合您的架構! *
Fedora 社群專案 (以前稱為「目標」) 是不完全歸類於 Fedora Linux 半年發行週期的計畫。 通常它們需要較長的時間來完成 (例如 8-18 個月),而且不只限於工程專案。 其他關鍵領域包括行政管理、文件、外展、激勵、溝通、預算和最佳實踐。 在專案中,這些領域被歸類在 Mindshare 標題下。 委員會希望在工程專案和與 Mindshare 一致的專案之間取得平衡。
Fedora 委員會的主要作用是確定 Fedora 社群的短期、中期和長期目標,並組織和促成專案以最佳方式實現這些目標。 任何人都可以向委員會提出社區倡議。 要被接受,它必須符合 Fedora 的 使命宣言 和長期目標。
每個社區倡議都有一位指定的社區倡議領導人。 這位領導在社區倡議期間擔任委員會成員,負責協調達成社區倡議目標的工作,以及評估和報告進度。 該領導人定期與 Fedora 的所有相關團體合作,以確保取得進展。
若要向理事會提出社區倡議,領導人應該先在 Fedora 討論區上的 #council 標籤 上討論。 接下來,如果反應熱烈,請提交 ticket。 當然,人們需要準備好進行所需的實際工作 - 沒有熱情的底層人員,社區倡議就不會走得太遠。
要取得成功,社區倡議需要一個有職責分工的領導團隊。 例如,根據倡議的規模和範圍,將項目領導、工程、市場營銷和文檔的角色分開。 若有需要,本協會可協助提案者找到合適的人員從事專案工作。
Every Community Initiative must have an Executive Sponsor. This can be any current member of the Council – even, possibly, the Lead of another Initiative. You should find a sponsor as part of community discussion before filing a ticket. Once someone has agreed to the responsibility, the proposal can move forward.
Role of the Executive Sponsor
A Fedora Council member becomes an Executive Sponsor until completion of the Community Initiative or for the duration of their Council term (whichever comes first). The Executive Sponsor is responsible for partnering with the Lead as a connection point to the Fedora Project at a high-level. The Executive Sponsor represents a wider view of what the Fedora Project is focused on, whether that is in terms of the Fedora strategy or a specific area of interest (e.g. DEI, Engineering, Mindshare). The Executive Sponsor is not responsible for doing the work directly, but rather as an advocate for the initiative and can help by unlocking resources, help unblock work, act as a consultant on Council and Project perspectives and generally supporting the initiative to allow the work to succeed.
An Executive Sponsor may find that they are no longer able to fill this role for a Community Initiative, whether due to an expiring Council term or that they do not have the capacity to continue. In this event, the Executive Sponsor and the Lead must work together to identify another Fedora Council member who can be the Executive Sponsor.
Relationship between Lead and Executive Sponsor
How the Community Initiative Lead and the Executive Sponsor collaborate is largely up to them. However, it is suggested that the Lead and Sponsor have a regular meeting cadence (e.g. weekly or fortnightly) to check in on progress and identify challenges. The Lead should provide updates to the Executive Sponsor on the work, engagement with the community, and requests for help in order to succeed. The Lead should expect the Executive Sponsor to ask them questions, suggest other teams or people to collaborate with, and give suggestions on how to acquire the needed resources to succeed. Periodically, the Executive Sponsor will ask the Lead to share progress or milestones back to the wider Fedora Council.
How are Community Initiatives Finalized?
At the end of the expected duration of the Initiative (as specified at the proposal / acceptance stage), the Council will assess the progress of the Initiative. If all of the aims or the most significant of them are achieved, the Initiative will be terminated. If the aims are nearly complete and further work substantially increases the impact, it may be allowed to continue for a further agreed period. After that, it will be terminated. Initiatives will not be allowed to run indefinitely.
Current 12-18 Month Community Initiatives
This section documents the current Initiatives we, the Council, have accepted for implementation in alignment with the medium-term goals of the Project, (as explained in the Council Charter).
Mentored Projects Initiative
- Goal
We envision a future where mentors and mentees know what is expected of them when entering a Fedora Mentored Project and have a smooth onboarding process. There is also a culture of recognition for all the effort they put into the projects to be successful.
- Community Initiative Leads
Fernando Fernandez Mancera (@ffmancera), Smera Goel (@smeragoel)
- Executive Sponsor
Jona Azizaj (@jonatoni)
- Timeframe
8-12 months
- Community Initiative Details
See the wiki page.
Community Operations 2.0 Initiative
- 遠見
The Fedora Community Operations Team enables a highly-collaborative Fedora community ecosystem, where contributors thrive in achieving objectives of the Fedora 2028 strategy and friction in the contribution process can be identified and addressed for Fedora contributors.
- 使命
The Fedora Community Operations Team achieves a highly-collaborative Fedora community ecosystem through two key areas: process improvement, to partner with others in making the contribution process more open and transparent, and community social analysis, to better understand contribution pathways without prescribing a specific journey.
- Community Initiative Leads
- Executive Sponsor
Aoife Moloney (@amoloney)
- Timeframe
10 months
- Community Initiative Details
See the wiki page.
Fedora bootc
- 遠見
The Fedora community is the center of activity for implementing methods of configuring and managing image based Linux systems using OCI container tools.
- 使命
The Fedora working groups that build and promote image-based Fedora variants improve the experiences of their contributors and their users, as well as those of prospective new image-based Fedora implementations, by working together to explore, refine and document the tools and processes around bootable containers.
- Community Initiative Lead
Jason Brooks (@jasonbrooks)
- Executive Sponsor
David Cantrell (@dcantrell)
- Timeframe
12 months
- Community Initiative Details
See the wiki page.
Historically, Community Initiatives were known as Objectives. This transition was made in February 2023 following in-person discussion by the Fedora Council in our 2023 Council hackfest in Frankfurt, Germany. We agreed to convert "Objectives" into "Community Initiatives", which the Council felt was easier to understand and communicate the roles of these efforts in Fedora. There is no functional change to Objectives; it is just a semantic change.
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