Current Members of the Fedora Council

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  • Elected Representative: Akashdeep Dhar (f40-f41)

    Akashdeep has been a GNU/Linux enthusiast since his early college days with keen interests in networking, cloud computing, self-hosting and operating systems. He works full-time on free and open-source software as a member of Red Hat’s Community Platform Engineering team since 2021. Since then, he helps with developing/maintaining projects and monitoring/administrating services on Fedora Infrastructure and CentOS Infrastructure.

  • Elected Representative: Aleksandra Fedorova (f40-f42)

    Aleksandra has started contributing to Fedora as a Russian Fedora Ambassador and a member of the Russian Fedora Remix project. She worked as a Build, Devops, CI and Release Engineer in several projects including Openstack. She currently works in Red Hat on CentOS and RHEL development infrastructure, and runs CentOS Integration SIG.

  • Elected Representative: Adam Samalik (f40-f42)

    Adam Samalik has been a long time Fedora community member and contributor. He is a computer and automation enthusiast, who enjoys cooking, baking, and biking. Appreciates good coffee, clever design, and walkable cities. Tinkers with Linux for a living at Red Hat.

  • Engineering Representative: David Cantrell

    David has been involved in the Linux community since 1997. He first worked on Fedora Core starting with Fedora Core 4 in 2005. He worked on the installation software (anaconda) and related projects for more than 10 years. His current projects focus on developer workflow tools. He is a Fedora Ambassador and a member of the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

  • Mindshare Representative: Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez

    Alberto 'bt0dotninja' Rodríguez S. kendisini "Fedora’ya Katkıda Bulunan Mutlu Birisi" olarak tanımlıyor. Elçiler, CommOps, ve Fedora Katılımın bir parçası ve Mindshare komitesinin bir üyesi olarak, katkıda bulunan kişilerin sayısını arttırmanın ve uzun vadeli katkıda bulunanları elimizde tutmanın yeni yollarını bulmakla çok ilgileniyor. Yerel topluluklara dahil olmayı, belgeler yazmayı ve çeviriler yapmayı, taco ve kedileri seviyor.

  • DEI Advisor: Jona Azizaj

    Read more about the Fedora Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Advisor’s role and the current Advisor’s biography:

  • Fedora Project Leader: Matthew Miller

    Fedora Projesi Liderinin rolü ve mevcut FPL’nin biyografisi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için bu pozisyonun sayfasını ziyaret edin.

  • Fedora Operations Architect: Aoife Moloney

    Read more about the Fedora Operation Architect’s role and the current FOA’s biography on the page about this position.

  • Fedora Community Architect: Justin W. Flory

    Read more about the Fedora Community Architect’s role and the current FCA’s biography on the page about this position.

  • Initiative Leads: Fernando F. Mancera, Smera Goel and Robert Wright