Contribuer à Quick Docs

L’équipe de Fedora Docs. Version all versions Last review: 2023-08-25
The goal is to move away from wikis, where helpful guides are mixed with draft documentation, internal notes, to a nice, topic-oriented how-to guides and code-packed tutorials with a pull-request-based workflow. We appreciate your help!


  1. Pick a document to update. You can find documents needing updates in the modules/ROOT/nav.adoc file. They are on the commented-out lines (those that start with a //FIXME).

  2. Dupliquez le dépôt https ://

  3. Faites vos modifications dans le fichier .adoc que vous souhaitez améliorer.

  4. Uncomment the file in nav.adoc remove the FIXME from the xref..

  5. Build a local preview to ensure your changes look the way you intended: Make sure you either have Podman or Docker installed, On a Linux desktop run ./ On macOS run either ./ -p or ./ Follow instructions printed on the command line.

  6. Lorsque vous êtes satisfait de vos mises à jour, soumettez une demande de tirage (pull request) avec vos améliorations.

  7. Si vous migrez une page wiki, créez une redirection vers l’ancienne page — voir ci-dessous.

Possible Source Material

Peut-être souhaitez-vous simplement améliorer un document existant, auquel cas, ce qui précède est ce dont vous avez besoin. Ou peut-être avez-vous déjà une idée en tête. Si vous souhaitez apporter votre aide mais ne savez pas par où commencer, voici quelques sources d’inspiration :

  • The old How To category on the Fedora wiki. Many of those documents are ripe for conversion. (Many are also very out of date!)

  • Common Issues questions on Ask Fedora.

  • Frequent Fedora questions on Stack Exchange.

  • Fedora Magazine articles. The magazine format is conversational, and understood to represent a moment in time. Quick Docs versions should be more to-the-point, and kept updated if commands or best pratices change.

Redirection du Wiki

Usually, wikis do not allow redirects to external sites, because the potential for abuse is very high. We’ve developed a plugin for the Fedora Wiki which allows redirects to only pages on this site, To create such a link, use the #fedoradocs macro by putting something like this at the top of the wiki page you are replacing:

{{#fedoradocs : https ://}}

Of course, you should to replace that example URL with the one for your new target page. Again, the URL can’t be something arbitrary it must begin with

Once the redirect is in place, visitors to that wiki page will be instantly whisked (well, redirected, with the code 301 Moved Permanently) to the docs site.

Veuillez noter qu’il n’y a pas de validation de l’existence ou de l’exactitude de la cible, veillez donc à vérifier que les redirections que vous créez fonctionnent correctement avant de passer à autre chose.

If you need to edit such a page to correct the URL, or to remove the redirect for some reason, construct a wiki site URL with &action=edit, like: