Contributing to Fedora Silverblue

Help us improve Fedora Silverblue by contributing to the project!

Developing Fedora Silverblue

If you are a developer, you can contribute to one of the several projects which make Fedora Silverblue possible. Submit your pull requests to:

Suas contribuições para o projeto principal Fedora também são bem-vindas.

Escrevendo documentação

Creating or modifying documentation is easy. Head over to our documentation GitHub repository, fork it and create a pull request.

If you are not comfortable with using git, create a new topic in our community or log an issue describing what need to be changed.

Convenções de escrita

Ao criar uma documentação, siga estas convenções de escrita:

  • Code blocks for commands that require root privileges must show the # prompt symbol. Example:

    # dnf install <pacote>

    The $ user prompt symbol can also be used but you must prefix the command with sudo. Example:

    $ sudo dnf install <pacote>

Relatando problemas

You can report bugs and suggest features or improvements on the issue tracker.

Criando flatpaks

Seu aplicativo favorito não está no repositório padrão e provavelmente não será adicionado? Você pode fazer isso sozinho! Siga nosso tutorial para criar flatpaks a partir de pacotes rpm:

To become an official packager you need to go through several steps to gain all required permissions to use the Fedora infrastructure (Pagure, Koji, Bodhi). There is a detailed page about becoming a packager.

Outros links úteis: